
Brown County Jail Ministries' (B.C.J.M.) purpose is to meet the spiritual needs of the incarcerated, their loved ones, and the correctional staff of the Brown County Jail.
Our vision is in response to our belief that God has called us to witness the hope, love, and reconciliation of Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement

B.C.J.M. will accomplish this Vision by providing a Chaplaincy Director and corresponding programs that address spiritual concerns and core values of life.

Our Mission Field

Approximately 10,000  inmates enter the Brown County Jail per year with 40%-60% of those inmates that re-enter into society committing another crime. On a monthly basis, Brown County Jail will have 600-650 inmates monthly. Brown County Jail Ministries is here to break that cycle!

Who We are

Jail Ministries
Areas of Ministry include:

Linking inmates to community after-care programs and to a religious community

Supervise and coordinate religious/spiritual programming for inmates

Working with outside religious advisors schooled in many faiths and traditions

Recruit, train, supervise, schedule, coordinate volunteers and provide spiritual and life skill building programming

Providing support for the Brown County Jail Staff

Providing Bible and book resources