Looking to Volunteer?
We need all the help we can get!

With such a big mission field, we know we have a place for you! We believe everyone has been uniquely and wonderfully made for such a time as this. Being a volunteer can consist of social media content, fundraising, visitating with inmates, and so much more. Contact us today to find out how you can help!

(Opportunites are detailed below.)

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Volunteer Opportunities
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Marketing: There is an opportunity to help manage our social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.) to keep our community informed of everything happening through B.C.J.M.

Public Relations: B.C.J.M. is looking to establish more and strengthen community relationships with faith-based establishments and local buisnesses to maintain support for Brown County Jail.

Visitations: There is a growing need for personal visits and Bible studies with inmates. The majority of inmates, while being impacted by group-organized Bible studies, look to be connected with someone willing to teach them a personalized Bible study and emotional, mental, etc. support.

Programs: Programs take polace within Brown County Jail and consisit of Bible studies, addiction recovery support, life skills, etc. to benefit inmates during incarceration.

Correctional Officer Support: B.C.J.M. supports Brown County Jail's Correctional Officers through holiday meals, appreciation gifts, confidential counseling through the Chaplain, etc.

After-Care: Inmates being released need accountability partners, life coaches, religious leaders, etc. B.C.J.M. will make inmates aware of this opportunity and connect them to a corrresponding community volunteer.

Fundraising: Fundraising assists in maintaining the needs of Brown County Jail. Funds suppport providing religioius materials to inmates at no cost, the Chpalin and Assistant Chaplain's salaries, Bible study materials, technological needs, etc.